Theodore Harold Maiman: The Laser Is Born
“If you achieve your goal in spite of going against established views, it is especially sweet. But even if your goal is not achieved, there is still a rich reward for your choice. You will experience the thrill and excitement of an adventure.
I assure you it will not be boring”
On May 16, 1960, the laser was born. The world would never be the same.
Recognized as one of the top ten technological achievements of the twentieth century, the laser's presence in the world is ubiquitous. Its continual expansion of the boundaries of science, medicine, industry, and entertainment has resulted in fiber-optic communication, CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs. Without the laser, millions would be blind who now see. There would be no smart bombs, supermarket bar code readers, certain life-saving cancer treatments, or precise navigation techniques for commercial aircraft. New and popular procedures that enable one to be rid of eyeglasses, remove unsightly moles, wrinkles, and tattoos, would have never come to be. The laser is the basis for laser fusion developments at the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore national Laboratory in California as well as the Pan European HiPer (High Power Laser Energy Research) Facility to produce inexhaustible, inexpensive and carbon-free energy. Recently Europe has revealed its latest laser based scientific gem, the Extreme Infrastructure Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI ALPS). New scientific techniques, like optical frequency combs, optical tweezers, optical trapping and laser cooling play instrumental role in the latest developments in physics, astronomy, biology. There are few areas in science and technology not influenced by the laser.
The inventor of this amazing technology was Theodore Maiman. Educated as an experimental physicist, Maiman launched the ruby laser onto the world stage in 1960, and continued developing it and its uses in the decades since. He gained world recognition with awards such as the Wolf Prize, the Japan Prize, and induction into the Inventors' Hall of Fame. In 2000 he authored The Laser Odyssey, which chronicles the years leading up to his invention, as well as describing his subsequent professional and personal journeys.
This website is devoted to introducing Theodore Maiman and his invention of the laser to the world.
T. Maiman holding the first laser in front of the Nova laser in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984
The Maiman Collection
The Maiman Collection has Ted Maiman's lab notebook with the page recording the first successful firing and many other of his technical, commemorative and personal artifacts relating to the invention of the laser and his work. Additionally there are numerous photographs of Ted Maiman at various stages of his life that have never been published. The original first laser is still operational, has been on display at (among others) the Deutsche’s Museum and the Max Plank Institute of Quantum Optics.
First laser in a display case
The Maiman Foundation
The purpose of the Maiman Foundation is to encourage future work in photonics and biophotonics, and science and technology in general. It will do so through the following methods: popularizing photonics and biophotonics with children through literature, films, and project kits; fostering the work of intrepid young researchers in cost-effective projects; advocating for risk-taking in research by demonstrating the practical implementation of novel concepts; helping international intellectual exchanges and thus improving international scientific collaborations; and organizing future Laser Symposia.
Student Awards
Student Awards established in 2008 in memory of Theodore Maiman in recognition of his invention, the laser, and his other outstanding contributions to optics and photonics:
Optica (founded as The Optical Society of America, OSA) - Maiman Student Paper Competition
Simon Fraser University (SFU) - Theodore and Abraham Maiman Graduate Bursary